Single Payer in the Louisville AIDS Walk

On Sunday, September 21, 2014, Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care joined a spirited crowd and their pets for the Louisville AIDS Walk, Fleur de Life.

KSPH distributed 400 flyers with a message noting that while health care reform helped some, many with AIDS and other conditions still find essential drugs too costly or not on their insurers’ formulary.

“Last July, 300 patient advocacy groups protested to Health & Human Services that those with chronic illnesses are still facing barriers to care,” the flyer continued.

 photo Aids walk 2014-09-21

On the Belvedere for the Louisville AIDS Walk

The flyer concluded by pointing the way forward:

“A bill in Congress, HR 676, Expanded & Improved Medicare for All, will provide care for everyone under a single payer, publicly funded system. All medically necessary care including dental & drugs will be covered–and you choose your doctor.

“No co-pays, no deductibles, no limited networks. No worry about medical bills! Monies now going to corporate profits will be available for care.

“We invite you to join this movement. Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays each month, 5:30 pm, Board Rm, Mezzanine, Louisville Free Public Library, 301 W. York.

“Learn more:, KSPH offers free presentations on single payer,(502)636-1551,”

The walkers thanked us for being there and many expressed their agreement with single payer.