Single Payer: Where Do We Go From Here?

Senator Bernie Sanders' Single Payer Panel, May 21, 2014. photo

On May 21, 2014, in the Dirksen Senate Building on Capitol Hill, Senator Bernie Sanders chaired a panel with single payer leaders.

Video here. The video begins at the 25 minute mark.

25.00 Senator Sanders:
“We are the only major country on earth that doesn’t guarantee health care to all people.”

27:45 Rob Weissman, President, Public Citizen:
“We win the argument on the merits.” Remarks.

34:10 Gerald Friedman, Professor of Economics, Amherst:
“We have 4 years less life expectancy given our spending.”

41:04 Margaret Flowers, MD, Popular Resistance:
“We should fight further privatization of health care.” Remarks.

48:50 Andy Coates, MD, President of Physicians for a National Health Program:
“Single payer would work–we could do this.” Remarks.

54:44 Michael Lighty, National Nurses Union:
“Cost saving is now denying care.”

1:01:00 Senator Sanders starts the discussion which ends at 2:16:17.