Map of Congressional Co-sponsors for HR 676

HR 676 - A single payer health care system for the U.S.(info)

The United States National Health Insurance Act (HR676) establishes a new American national health insurance program by creating a single payer health care system. The bill would create a publicly financed, privately delivered health care program by expanding and improving the existing Medicare program, ensuring that all Americans will have access to high quality, cost effective health care services regardless of employment, income, or health status.

Is your representative a co-sponsor?(info)

Currently 69 Representatives have co-sponsored this legislation. You can use the map below to find out if your representative is one of them. If not, we encourage you to get in touch with your representative and ask them to support this important legislation. The map below gives you tools for doing so.

Enter a zip code.


Note: Icons over high concentrations of legislators are deliberately misaligned in order to allow as many icons as possible to be visible. This misalignment becomes greatly exaggerated at high zoom levels.
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