Single Payer advocates reach out at the Park Duvalle Community Health Center Health Fair

Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care spent Saturday, Aug. 3, 2019, at the health fair of Park DuValle Community Health Center.
Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care spent Saturday, Aug. 3, 2019, at the health fair of Park DuValle Community Health Center.
A supporter signs the petition for National Improved Medicare for All as Charlie Casper staffs the single payer booth.
A supporter signs the petition for National Improved Medicare for All as Charlie Casper staffs the single payer booth.
L to R:  Kay Tillow, Harriette Seiler, Mark McKinley, and Charlie Casper at the Park DuValle Community Health Center Health Fair.
L to R: Kay Tillow, Harriette Seiler, Mark McKinley, and Charlie Casper at the Park DuValle Community Health Center Health Fair.