
WorldFest 2024 Schedule

ShiftVolunteer 1Notes 1Volunteer 2Notes 2Volunteer 3Notes 3
Sat 11am-1pm
Sat 1pm-3pm
Sat 3pm-4:30pm
Sat 4:30pm-6pm
Sun 11am-1pm
Sun 1pm-3pm
Sun 3pm-4:30pm
Sun 4:30-6pm

WorldFest Event Volunteer Registration

Fields marked with an * are required

If you would like to take part in our WorldFest event on the Belvedere Aug 30-Sep2, please fill in your details in this Event Volunteer Form below and you will be automatically added to the volunteer list.

Contact Us:  502 636 1551,
Please feel free to contact us for more information

*We will not share your contact information.

Please list all the shifts you would be available for.

Here is a map of the Belvedere