Who We Are

This website is a joint project of Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care and Physicians for a National Health Program – Kentucky.

easter parade 2012 and gretchen 007

Dave MacCool, Edgar Lopez, MD, and Larry Hovekamp carry the banner in a Frankfort Avenue parade.

Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare We are working to pass universal, single payer health insurance as embodied in the plan of the Physicians for a National Health Program. We are working to build a movement in Kentucky strong enough to win the support of our elected representatives.

We are working to direct the anger and frustration engendered by an unjust health system into positive work to bring the humane changes we need. We work to bring both hope and health. We work to make what is morally right also politically possible. We need you.  All of us are in this together.  We can build a more united, healthy, hopeful Kentucky.

Physicians for a National Health Program – Kentucky Physicians for a National Health Program – Kentucky became an official chapter the national organization, PNHP, in December, 2004.  Over 100 Kentucky physicians have endorsed the Physicians’ Plan for Single Payer National Health Insurance (www.PNHP.org).

Nationally, PNHP is growing rapidly and currently has more than 24,000 members across the country.  The majority of American physicians, as well as the American public, support a national health plan.  If, as a health professional, you believe that medicine’s first priority is patients, and that physicians should play a major role in reforming the health system, endorse the Physician’s Proposal at www.PNHP.org; join PNHP-Kentucky, and add your voice to the growing movement for real health care reform.

Join PNHP.

Contact Us:  502 636 1551, nursenpo@aol.com
Please feel free to contact us for more information – or to help out!
We are a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization

If you would like to make a donation, please make the check payable to PNHP-KY and mail it to:

Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care
P. O. Box 17595
Louisville, KY 40217-7595


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