
General Meeting: Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare

Thursday, September 21st General Meeting: Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare 5:30 PM Board Room, Mezzanine Louisville Free Public Library, 4th and York (Map) (General meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month.)

KSPH General Meeting

The KSPH meets the third Thursday of each month. Come help build the movement! Meetings will be: Thur.,Oct. 19 Thur., Nov. 16 Thur. Dec. 21 5:30 PM Board Rm. Mezzanine Louisville Free Public Library 4th and York (Map)

KSPH General Meeting

The KSPH meets the third Thursday of each month. Come help build the movement! Meetings will be: Thur.,Oct. 19 Thur., Nov. 16 Thur. Dec. 21 5:30 PM Board Rm. Mezzanine Louisville Free Public Library 4th and York (Map)

KSPH General Meeting

The KSPH meets the third Thursday of each month. Come help build the movement! Meetings will be: Thur.,Oct. 19 Thur., Nov. 16 Thur. Dec. 21 5:30 PM Board Rm. Mezzanine Louisville Free Public Library 4th and York (Map)

KSPH General Meeting

The KSPH meets the third Thursday of each month. Come help build the movement! The next meeting will be: Thur. Jan. 18 NOTE: 7:00 PM Board Rm. Mezzanine Louisville Free Public Library 4th and York (Map)   KSPH Meeting Schedule

KSPH General Meeting

The KSPH meets the third Thursday of each month. Come help build the movement! The next meeting will be: Thur. February 15 NOTE: 7:00 PM Board Rm. Mezzanine Louisville Free Public Library 4th and York (Map)   KSPH Meeting Schedule