Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET

Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET   Dr. Wayne Tuckson, a specialist in colon and rectal surgery and past president of the Greater Louisville Medical Society, is the host

Mon. Feb. 8, at 2 PM, Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET2

Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET Dr. Wayne Tuckson, a specialist in colon and rectal surgery and past president of the Greater Louisville Medical Society, is the host of

Fri. Feb. 12, 1:30 PM, Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET

Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET Dr. Wayne Tuckson, a specialist in colon and rectal surgery and past president of the Greater Louisville Medical Society, is the host of

Sun. Feb. 14, 12:30 AM, Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET

Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET Dr. Wayne Tuckson, a specialist in colon and rectal surgery and past president of the Greater Louisville Medical Society, is the host of

Sun. Feb. 14 at 7:00 AM, Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET

Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET Dr. Wayne Tuckson, a specialist in colon and rectal surgery and past president of the Greater Louisville Medical Society, is the host of

Sun. Feb. 14 at 9:00 AM, Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET

Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET \ Dr. Wayne Tuckson, a specialist in colon and rectal surgery and past president of the Greater Louisville Medical Society, is the host

Sun. Feb. 14 at 5:30 PM, Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET

Dr. Eugene Shively discusses the issues of rural health with Dr. Wayne Tuckson on Kentucky Health, KET Dr. Wayne Tuckson, a specialist in colon and rectal surgery and past president of the Greater Louisville Medical Society, is the host of

Drs. Mike Flynn and Gene Shively discuss treatments and access to care issues with Dr. Jeffrey Bumpous, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Chair Department of Otolaryngology   https://soundcloud.com/wfmp-forward-radio/single-payer-radio-dr-jeffrey-bumpous-21021-129-pm?in=wfmp-forward-radio/sets/single-payer-radio

Mon. Feb. 15, 2021, at 2:00 PM on 106.5 FM, Drs. Mike Flynn and Gene Shively discuss treatments and access to care issues with Dr. Jeffrey Bumpous

Drs. Mike Flynn and Gene Shively discuss treatments and access to care issues with Dr. Jeffrey Bumpous, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Chair Department of Otolaryngology https://soundcloud.com/wfmp-forward-radio/single-payer-radio-dr-jeffrey-bumpous-21021-129-pm?in=wfmp-forward-radio/sets/single-payer-radio Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care produces weekly shows on Forward Radio

Tue. Feb. 16, 2021, at 7:00 AM on 106.5 FM, Drs. Mike Flynn and Gene Shively discuss treatments and access to care issues with Dr. Jeffrey Bumpous

Drs. Mike Flynn and Gene Shively discuss treatments and access to care issues with Dr. Jeffrey Bumpous, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Chair Department of Otolaryngology Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care produces weekly shows on Forward Radio