The letter is reprinted from the April 14, 2019, edition of the Courier-Journal.
The sorry state of health care in this country is consistent–it’s sorry, but seems to be getting worse. From the usual Republican mantra of “repeal but no replacement,” to the many progressive, Democratic efforts to cover all citizens, the path forward is an untidy and unnerving effort.
It doesn’t need to be this way. The Medicare for All, Single Payer approach is the most viable and economically stable way to cover everyone for less dollars. Under this program, the vast majority of citizens would pay less and have much better coverage than is currently available. No premiums, no deductibles, and no copays, just a simple and affordable payroll tax that is matched by employers, along with a tax on unearned income. We cut out administrative waste, overhead and profit, and use the savings to fund the uninsured and underinsured. It’s really simple.
Finally, as a way to ensure the Medicare for All viability, all members of Congress and the administration would have the same coverage as everyone else. We can all rest assured that with this mandate, the long-term success would be a slam dunk. After all, why is Congress making decisions for our health care when they possess the best blue ribbon coverage in existence? They need to be part of the solution: Medicare for All, Single Payer.
Charlie Casper, Louisville 40207. Charlie Casper is the Treasurer of Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care.