Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care

Harriette Seiler and Antonio Wilson in Louisville's St. Pat's Parade
Harriette Seiler and Antonio Wilson in Louisville’s St. Pat’s Parade

Sign the petition to Put Single Payer on the Table!

Act to End the Direct Contracting Entities and ACO REACH that are privatizing Medicare.

Contact us:, Facebook, kentuckians_for_single_payer, Single Payer Radio, @KY4singlepayer

Read the Physicians’ Proposal for a National Single Payer Program.  Sign on to it. Join National PNHP.

Slides from Drs. Steffie Woolhandler & David Himmelstein

Quote of the day by Don McCanne. Health Justice Monitor

Answers to questions on single payer.

HR 676, Expanded and Improved Medicare for All, a model single payer bill in the House from 2003 to 2017.

HR 3421, Improved Medicare for All, national single payer bill, currently in the House, which needs to be improved to ban and convert the for-profit hospitals, nursing homes, dialysis centers, etc.

Please support the work of Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care by making a donation on line hereOr you can mail your check to KSPH, PO Box 17595, Louisville, KY 40217.  Annual dues are $5, but we welcome whatever you can give.

Kentucky rallies for federal services and workers

On Fri., March 21, 2025, Louisville rallied at the Mazzoli Building to demand protection of federal services and workers. The mood was intense–the wounds are deeply felt. Even the Pegasus seemed to cry out against the injustice!

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A TSA worker spoke of the illegal withdrawal of their union rights. Others told of the damage to the veterans from the VA cuts. This fight is just beginning. Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare was there in solidarity.

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Louisville confronts the threat to cut Medicaid

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On Sat., March 22, 2025, hundreds convened at the Local 862 UAW hall to condemn the threats to cut Medicaid, the federal/state program for health care for those with low incomes or disabilities. Over 1.5 million Kentuckians have no other coverage. The majority of recipients are working at jobs that pay too little and don’t provide health insurance.

Moms spoke of the fight to keep their challenged children covered when they get a tiny raise. Almost all of those in nursing homes depend on Medicaid!

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Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare was there to express support.

As we organize for a national single payer program, free from profit, that covers everyone, we stand against any backward moves. KSPH distributed hundreds of Improved Medicare for All flyers. The response was warm and supportive. The people demand a health care system for people, not profit.

University of Louisville Medical Students Organize SNaHP Chapter

On Wednesday, February 11, 2025, medical students at the University of Louisville met to organize a Chapter of the Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP), the student arm of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP).  PNHP is a single-issue organization with more than 25,000 members advocating a universal, comprehensive, single-payer national health program.

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Hamza Jamal, a second year medical student, organized the meeting and led with a presentation on the purpose of SNaHP and its proud history of advocacy, both on the U of L campus and nationally. Kay Tillow, Chair of Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care (KSPH), spoke on the state of our healthcare outcomes and costs and the necessity to move to a national single payer system, free from profit. Harriette Seiler, Secretary of KSPH, told of the positive experience of her Canadian family with their single payer system.

Students asked probing questions centering on what they can do to accomplish the needed changes in health care. Dr. Anthony Martin, the group’s advisor, joined in the lively discussion on how to survive as a physician while advocating for systemic change.

To reach the student group, email Hamza Jamal (pictured in photo) at

Hamza Jamal has written an article examining health care administrative costs in the United States.  Access the article here.

Kentuckians for Single Payer reached out at the Pride Festival

On Sep. 14, 2024, Harriette Seiler, Paul Hoppe, and Dave Shuler staffed the KSPH booth to distribute flyers and get petitions signed. They report an enthusiastic reception by the public. Our thanks to the Louisville Workers Brigade for generously sharing their booth with us.

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Paul Hoppe and Harriette Seiler at the Pride Festival in Louisville 2024
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Dave Shuler explains the Improved Medicare for All petition

Enhanced Medicare for All a Hit at the World Fest

Labor Day weekend Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care staffed a booth at the World Fest.  Enthusiastic supporters lined up to sign the petition urging candidates and elected officials to “boldly support national single payer health care legislation.” 

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Photo: Jill Harmer uses her fluent Spanish to explain Medicare for All.

As they signed they told their stories.  One couple decides each year whether or not they can afford to buy insurance or take the chance of going without.  They currently have an ACA plan purchased on the Exchange that costs them $1,400 monthly for the two of them and their daughter. 

A woman in a Medcaid/Medicare Advantage plan related how her insurer denies the physical therapy she desperately needs.

People loved the “Enhanced Medicare for All” bumper stickers and the T-shirts. 

Check out the photos in Harriette Seiler’s album:

Medicare Birthday at the Schnitzelburg Dainty Contest, the Bounce Pickleball Courts, and the Wednesday Concert

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In late July at the John & Will Gage concert at Bounce Pickleball Courts, at the Germantown Dainty Festival, and the WFPK Wednesday concert, KSPH volunteers distributed over 400 Medicare Birthday flyers and were welcomed by folks who said “I’m with you on this!”

Our thanks to our KSPH recording secretary, Harriette Seiler (yellow hat), who prepared the flyer and braved humid 90’s to take the message to the public.

There is new hope. The people want Enhanced Medicare for All!

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Join Us for Medicare Birthday 2024 in Kentucky

It’s a tradition!  Kentuckians celebrate Medicare’s July 30 Birthday every year and call for an Improved Medicare for All so that everyone will have healthcare as a birthright.

* A few years ago we lit up the sky at the Big Four Bridge above a concert of thousands.

Lights on the Big Four Bridge

* We’ve delivered cupcakes to Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul, and John Yarmuth.
* We’ve marched across bridges.

Each time more learn of the wonders and possibilities of a publicly-funded health plan and of the need to enact a national non-profit single payer plan—an Enhanced Medicare for All.

Join us this year as we distribute flyers.  

(We’ll also have bumper stickers and petitions.)  

There are two opportunities to be a part of it:

1.     Sunday, July 28, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm at 1515 River Shore Drive, Goodbounce Pickleball Court, Louisville, just before the free Will and John Gage Concert that is from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.  Bring chairs if staying for the concert; food truck is there with food and drinks on sale.

2.    Wednesday, July 31, at 5:00 pm as the gates open for a free concert beneath the Big Four Bridge.  The concert begins at 6:00 pm.

You’re invited to be a part of spreading the message and the hope of a more healthy, humane future for our country.  Let us know you’re coming.  Call Kay at 502 636 1551 or email

If you’re not in Louisville, we invite you to set up your own celebration.  Let us know and we’ll send the flyers.

On Tuesday, July 30, in advance of the 8:00 pm soccer game, we could distribute flyers at the Lynn Family Stadium.  Let us know if you’d like to do that.

Happy 59th Birthday, Medicare.