We invite you to a birthday celebration!
People across the country are celebrating a program that has brought care and dignity to millions of seniors and those with disabilities.
Join us to celebrate Medicare’s Birthday
For those in the Louisville area:
Friday, July 30
11:30 AM-1:00 PM
First Unitarian Church, 809 S. 4th St. (at York) (map)
Entrance in the rear. Handicapped accessible and air-conditioned.
Lunch, soft drinks and birthday cake provided by Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare (KSPH). Please come & bring your friends. RSVP appreciated but not essential. (502) 636-1551 or nursenpo@aol.com.
We will have a brief program on the importance of Medicare.
Those who believe in economic justice are particularly concerned at this time because the deficit commission, which must report to Congress by December 1, is targeting Medicare and Social Security. These vital programs are not the cause of the deficit and must not be sacrificed.
Social Security is fully paid for decades into the future by the payroll taxes from all of us. Medicare can best be protected by improving it to cover all medically necessary care and expanding it to everyone as called for in Congressman John Conyers’ HR 676.
Following the lunch, we invite those who can to join us for the 3-5 block walk to the offices of Senators Bunning and McConnell, and Congressman Yarmuth.
We will ask that our representatives stand with us against any cuts in Medicare, Social Security or Medicaid, that they oppose any raise of the eligibility age, any lowering of the benefits, any privatization, or other actions that would weaken these vital programs, and that they support single payer legislation such as HR 676, Expanded and Improved Medicare for All.
Protect Medicare, improve it, and expand it to everyone.
We are the wealthiest nation in the world with the capacity to take good care of people of all ages. We reject efforts to pit generation against generation. We must protect and preserve Medicare and Social Security for our children and our grandchildren, and for seniors to come.
Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare www.kyhealthcare.org (502) 636-1551
Birthday parties in other cities: http://www.healthcare-now.org/takeaction/events-calendar/
For those in the Lexington area:
Friday, July 30
10 AM – 3 PM
In Phoenix Park (map)
(Next to the Main Street Lexington Public Library on the southeast corner of Limestone and Main.
Please stop by.
Sponsored by Improved Medicare for All–Central Kentucky (IMACK)