Tom Moffett 1924-2018. We honor Tom for his decades of struggle and inspiration.


Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care was fortunate to have the participation of Tom Moffett in our meetings and actions since 2004.

He inspired all of us with his view that it is indeed possible to win national single payer health care in the United States.

He constantly encouraged us to reach higher.  And because of him we did, and will continue to do so.

He is pictured with his fist in the air in front of the Humana Building in 2009 as hundreds demanded that Humana end the denial of care.

Below is Tom participating in the sit in at Humana on October 29, 2009.  When he could no longer sit on the floor, he brought the chair to facilitate his ability to be a part of the protest.

Remembering Tom Moffett–listen to previous appearances by Tom on Single Payer Radio here.

We send our concolences to Tom’s family and his Kentucky family of thousands who love him and will remember him forever for his bold and living struggle for racial, economic, gender, and health care justice.

Tom Moffett, Presente!
