Last Saturday, Jill Harmer and Peg Box went to the Multiple Sclerosis Walk. They distributed hundreds of flyers and received a warm and welcoming reception from the walkers. Here is their flyer.
Forward to single payer health care
While health care reform helped some, many with MS and other chronic conditions still find essential care and drugs too costly or not on their insurers’ formulary.
Over 300 patient advocacy groups have protested to Health & Human Services that too many are still facing barriers to care.
The way forward. A bill in Congress, HR 676, Expanded & Improved Medicare for All, will provide care for everyone under a single payer, publicly funded system. All medically necessary care including dental & drugs will be covered–and you choose your doctor.
No co-pays, no deductibles, no limited networks.
No worry about medical bills! Monies now going to corporate profits will be available for care.
We invite you to join this movement. Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays each month, 5:30 pm, Board Rm, Mezzanine, Louisville Free Public Library, 301 York.
KSPH offers to show the film “Fix It” or to give free presentations on single payer. (502) 636-1551
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