On May 14, 2018, Kentucky Voices for Health hosted a meeting in Lexington focused on the affordability of healthcare for Kentuckians. Lynn Quincy of Altarum explained the results of the survey. A panel of patients gave real meaning to the cold figures, and several state legislators spoke.

Mirroring national trends, an alarming 72% of Kentucky adults report one or more healthcare affordability problems. These range from not being able to afford health insurance; delaying or foregoing healthcare (55%) to struggling to pay their medical bills (57%). One-quarter of all adults in Kentucky report being contacted by a collection agency about their medical bills, according to results from a survey of more than 900 Kentucky adults conducted by Altarum’s Healthcare Value Hub.
Harriette Seiler and Kay Tillow of Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care attended and distributed single payer information.
Here is the article by Kay Tillow about the meeting. It is on the internet at Daily Kos where you can read it, see comments, and add your own.
The details of the survey are available here. The Kentucky Voices for Health article on the survey and the May 14 meeting is here.