Effective January 2023, the ACO REACH program begins allowing Wall Street firms and insurance companies to turn traditional Medicare into a profit-making enterprise.

Seniors who have chosen traditional Medicare can be placed into these for-profit entities without their consent, and the program can be implemented without an act of Congress. In ACO REACH, denial of care brings more profit.
Traditional Medicare has a 2% overhead, while DCEs and ACO REACH can receive up to 40% in overhead and profit. Both seniors and the Medicare Trust Fund will suffer.
Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care is working with other organizations to terminate ACO REACH before the harm is done.
KSPH is offering a free educational program to any organization that wants to learn more. Just let us know at 502 636 1551 or nursenpo@aol.com.
In addition, your organization can pass a resolution to terminate ACO REACH. Here is a sample resolution. https://protectmedicare.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/WashingtonStateLaborCouncilResolution.pdf