Cover Kentucky with Enhanced Medicare for All!

Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care has produced our first ever bumper sticker.

Medicare Bumpersticker Version 3.10 3 Page1 Now Jpg

We hope to show the massive, popular support for a national, not-for-profit, single payer plan by covering the commonwealth with the demand for “Enhanced Medicare for All.”

Help us to display the message and build the movement!

One bumper sticker is free—with the commitment to use it.  We’re happy to make more available—a donation to help us to cover the printing and mailing costs will help.

Email Kay Tillow at with “Bumper Sticker” in the subject line or write to us at KSPH, P. O. Box 17595, Louisville, KY 40217.  Phone:  502 636 1551.