Guest Speaker, Ann Hagan, Thur. March 16, 2017

Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care is pleased to announce that E. Ann Hagan-Grigsby, CEO of the Park DuValle Community Health Center, will speak at our March 16th meeting:

Thursday, March 16, 5:30 PM

Board Rm. on the Mezzanine, Louisville Free Public Library, 301 York

Topic:  What Are Community Health Centers and What Impact Do They Have on US HealthCare?

Everyone is invited to join us!

Elizabeth Ann Hagan-Grigsby grew up in Washington D.C. and graduated from George Washington University with a B.S. in Biology, prior to attending the University of Louisville School of Medicine. Ms. Hagan-Grigsby also earned an MBA from University of Phoenix, and in 2004 she was included in a select group of health care executive applicants chosen to participate in the Johnson and Johnson/UCLA Health Care Executive Program at the UCLA John E. Anderson School of Management.


Ms. Hagan-Grigsby has worked as an Editorial Assistant for the Library of Congress Science Policy Research Division; Medical Research Technologist for the U of L Kidney Disease Program; Assistant Director/Allied Health Coordinator for the West Louisville Area Health Education Center, and Chief Administrative Officer at Park DuValle Community Health Center.

Ms. Hagan-Grigsby is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Park DuValle Community Health Center, Inc. in Louisville, where she also serves on the Board of Directors of the Kentucky Health Center Network, West Jefferson County Community Task Force and AIR Louisville. She is also a member of the Louisville Primary Care Association and the Kentucky Primary Care Association.