Single Payer Radio Shows. Link
1. Harriette Seiler and Kay Tillow discuss Medicare Advantage, the privatized Medicare plans:
Wed., July 22 at 2 PM; Thur. July 23 at 11AM; Fri., July 24 at 1PM Link
2. Dr. Barbara Casper and Charlie Casper discuss Unemployment and Health Care:
Wed. July 29, 2020, at 2PM; Thur. July 30 at 11AM; Fri. July 31 at 1PM
3. Dr. Eugene Shively, Dr. Mike Flynn, Mark McKinley, and Kay Tillow discuss “Where does the money go in our health care system?”:
Wed. Aug. 12 at 2PM; Thur., Aug. 13 at 11AM; Fri. Aug. 14 at 1PM Link
4. Dr. Eugene Shively, Dr. Mike Flynn, Mark McKinley, and Dr. Jesse Wright discuss mental health and health care reform. Wed. Aug. 26 at 2PM; Thur., Aug. 27 at 11AM; Fri. Aug. 28 at 1PM Link
B. Dr. Mike Flynn and Dr. Eugene Shively discuss the Covid 19 virus in an interview by Mark McKinley. Aired May 27-29, 2020. It is archived at this link.
We are recording some shows in our homes using the open source program Audacity. If you are interested in recording for single payer radio, let us know 502 636 1551.