Two mayors have announced an effort to get the nation’s mayors to sign on to support Medicare for All. Here is the story of the launch by Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia.
“Health care is a human right,” Garcia said in the release. “I’ve been supporting a single payer system in our state for many years because of the millions of people uninsured or underinsured. It’s time for Medicare for All.”

Garcia was joined by the Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf:
“The clearest lesson from the COVID-19 crisis is that healthcare must be a right for all — and not a path to bankruptcy and deeper racial disparities,” Schaaf said in the release. “We’re mobilizing local leaders to build a national movement so the next Congress will adopt legislation that brings healthcare access to all.”
It would be meaningful if some Kentucky mayors would sign on to this. Please ask your mayor to join in this effort.
The website where mayors can sign on is here: