“ACO REACH is Direct Contracting in disguise,” said Dr. Susan Rogers, an internal medicine physician and president of PNHP. “This new model doubles down on Direct Contracting’s fatal flaws, inserting a profit-seeking middleman between beneficiaries and their providers.”
PNHP identified several ways that ACO REACH perpetuates the dangerous flaws of Direct Contracting.
First, like the DC model, ACO REACH will pay middlemen a flat fee to “manage” seniors’ health, allowing them to keep 40% of what they don’t spend on care as profit and overhead. “The ACO REACH payment model establishes a dangerous incentive for middlemen to restrict patient care, an incentive that has never previously existed in Traditional Medicare,” said Dr. Rogers.
Next, Traditional Medicare beneficiaries will still be automatically enrolled into ACO REACH entities without their full understanding or consent, and once enrolled cannot cannot opt out of an ACO REACH entity unless they change primary care providers. “Changing primary care providers is a burden for anyone on Medicare, but especially for those in rural and other underserved communities,” added Dr. Rogers. Full story