At noon on October 24, 2019, Professor Gerald Friedman spoke at the West Chestnut Street Baptist Church on the topic “Medicare for All means health equity for all.”
Following a rendition of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” Rev. Ron Robinson, Dr. Garrett Adams, and Bob Cunningham made opening remarks.
Professor Friedman gave a power point presentation and answered questions from the audience. Friedman said that the nation must provide care to all through a single payer system that removes the profits of the insurance companies and ends co-pays and deductibles so that no one goes without care because of inability to pay. He said that health care is a human right.
Cornelia Oldham made a video of the event and graciously shared it. It can be viewed here.

The program was organized by Antonio Wickliffe, Bob Cunningham, and the Rev. Ron Robinson and sponsored by Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care. Refreshments were catered by Sweet Peaches.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke frequently at the West Chestnut Street Baptist Church which was deeply involved in the civil rights struggle in Louisville.