Health Care and the Senate Race
As the November election nears, television viewers across Kentucky are subjected to dueling campaign ads approved by Sen. Mitch McConnell and Amy McGrath. For voters, health care is a crucial issue, especially due to the spread of COVID-19, job loss and threats to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). While the need for care and coverage has escalated, “ability to pay” remains a barrier. for the insured, the costs of premiums, deductibles and prescriptions are rising.

Ironically, while sniping at each other, our Kentucky senatorial candidates reveal they agree on the path to meaningful reform. Each cites the other’s past comments in favor of health care for all. Amy refers to a 1990 clip of Mitch saying he will “make sure healh care is available to all Kentucky families.” A 2020 McConnell ad features Amy favoring “single payer.” Obviously, each candidate understands what sort of health reform legislation our country needs.
I am a member of Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care, which does not endorse candidates. I urge Mitch and Amy to study the systems of other advanced democracies, to listen to common sense and conscience, to advocate for universal single-payer Medicare for All.
Harriette Seiler, Louisville 40207